Professional tooth cleaning to prevent caries and periodontitis.

Prophylaxis means prevention.

Dental prophylaxis consists of fluoridation of the teeth, professional tooth cleaning, advice on nutrition and dental care as well as regular check-ups. We attach great importance to prophylaxis, as it keeps your teeth healthy in the long term and thus avoids both major treatments and high costs. Depending on the personal risk, individual prevention plans are drawn up.

Prophylaxis is calculated privately in accordance with the German Dentists' Fees Schedule (Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte - GOZ). 


Privately insured persons and most people with supplementary insurance are reimbursed the costs by their insurance company. However, many statutory health insurers now also offer at least partial reimbursement. It is worth asking your health insurance company or taking out supplementary insurance.


Our specially trained staff will take care of you in the field of prophylaxis and periodontal treatment.